I am figuring out how to use this website, I am new and only showed up from research on websites that host talented inspiring art. That is why I am writing this here, to test out its function( of this feature), I have nothing of that much importance to say, but l don't have a reason to be brief, maybe? Well, what's on my mind is where to find inspiration to draw? I have a very active imagination, I am most certainly a maladaptive day dreamer, but I mostly reminisce of the story's I have read, and the media I have seen, I love to pick things apart. So, from that, I am lacking imagination in my own creations, which I am desperately trying to fix, my mind is pacing more than my legs! which I do alot. I need my big break in the realm of creation and imagination, anything is possible in the human mind, I just need to figure out what I would like to make. Maybe I will do more of those drawings of stories, which I did earlier, and that will help me flesh out my mental extremities? I might as well try, and I will! So that is todays imput.